Friday 22 June 2012


Two weeks ago I mapped out a training plan that will get me through the summer. As is the case with many runners, my training plan is like my running bible. I refer to it often and invest my trust & faith in it's ability to guide me to my desired end point. So, I put quite a bit of thought into it.

I pulled my schedule together by combining the parts that I liked from a couple different plans. I was mostly focused on the number of runs required per week, the distance of the weekly long run, the necessary speed work/intervals/hill & strength training and how I could fit my soccer games and the half marathons I'm registered for into the mix. However, while I was in the process of researching and comparing schedules, I realized that all of them had one thing in common. Each of the plans offered advice on stretching, warm up/cool down, nutrition during training and the benefits of massage & rest days. It occurred to me that I have been so intent on the actual running, that I've without doubt, cut myself short on the maintenance that my body likely requires.

I've been lucky up to this point. Admittedly, I have been in too big of a rush for warming up & stretching, I struggle with rest days because I'd rather be running and massages just seem like a special treat. But, lately I've been feeling a bit more tuckered than usual and my legs have been a bit slower to recover from my long runs. So, I figure I should maybe respect that as a sign that the professionals who are offering the advice probably know what they're talking about.....that, and whether I like it or not, I'm getting older and maybe a little less resilient. Either way, if I'm going to be able to successfully increase my mileage and follow the plan I've set out for myself, I'm going to have to make a few changes:

The Benefits of Stretching

One of my good friends has been dealing with a nagging running injury. When we were talking about it, she really stressed the importance of stretching before and after a run. Like me, she used to get out the door and just start right in to her run and chose to go further instead of 'wasting' precious workout time cooling down & stretching. Now, however, speaking from experience, she has seen how taking the time to do these things that seem like an indulgence can help avoid the hassle of injury and improve long term running health. I really respect her opinion and have therefore started being more careful to take the time before and after each run.

The Necessity of Rest & Massage

Last week during my soccer game I got a little bit banged up. I'll be the first to admit that I'm a wimp, but I don't usually bruise very easily....both my legs were black and blue the next day. Actually, my one knee was so sore and swollen that I forced myself to take two rest days before I ran again.

Then, Saturday I went for a FANTASTIC massage. It was great, not in a relaxing kind of way, but rather in a therapeutic, working out the kinks kind of way. When I woke up the next day, I felt like I'd been run over by a bulldozer! But, I ran 10 miles on Monday and felt great! I am going to follow the advice of my training plan and incorporate a massage into my schedule at least every three weeks over the summer. We'll see how that works out, but so far so good.

The Importance of Nutrition

I have a friend who participated in the Just-Tri-It program this Spring. During one of their information sessions, they learned about sports nutrition and specifically what they should be consuming while training for and completing an endurance event. When she shared this information with me, it was obvious that I had totally missed the mark on how much I should be taking in during my runs. So, last month I played around a bit with my G2 & water and I started using a gummy-type energy chew. Wow! I definitely had more energy during the Sask Marathon than I had during my previous runs.

Along the same lines, I was able to see a nutritionist this week. I'm fortunate that my doctor is part of a cooperative and within it we have access to the services of various health care providers. We discussed my family's regular diet as well as how nutrition plays a major role for someone who is as active as I have been. It was great to have the chance to meet with her and I'm looking forward to the information she is going to share with me.

The Essential Gear

I NEED A NEW PAIR OF SHOES!! If there is one thing every runner can attest to, it's the importance of a good pair of shoes. I'm well overdue for a new pair. The trouble is, shoe shopping is not something I can do very effectively with my boys in tow. But, my feet have started to hurt, so I will put this to the top of my priority list and hopefully I can get in to Brainsport by myself to get lined up with some new kicks this week.

So, I'm hoping that if I combine all of these things and give my body the upkeep it needs, I will be able to successfully follow my summer plan.  I feel like it's kind of like vehicle maintenance....we wouldn't expect the truck to work properly without the right gas, a tune up and an oil change every few thousand kilometers, right?


  1. I'm surprised that you don't have a couple pairs of running shoes! Sometimes as mothers we really need a kick in the butt to remind us to take care of ourselves and not just our families!

  2. Oh! And don't forget to stretch your knees! I've had a bad knee injury from a car accident and knee circles can really help to loosen them up, as ridiculous as you might look :D
